Frequently Asked Questions

Who teaches the students?
We employ professionally qualified Christian teachers on a part-time basis to teach classes. Teachers must meet a defined set of criteria, first and foremost of which is a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and also a love for teaching children.
What if parents aren't teachers? How can they teach their children if they have never homeschooled?
Parents need not have teaching experience. Lighthouse will take the lead in the area of academics. All new concepts will be introduced and taught at school by paid professionals while the application of the concept will take place at home, much like that of college studies. Lighthouse teachers will provide detailed assignment sheets each week and will maintain open lines of communication. Parents will act as co-instructors under the guidance of the classroom teacher. In addition, Lighthouse will offer training to parents in various areas including academics and character development. Finally, bear in mind that as a child progresses to higher grade levels, the academic role of the parent gradually migrates from that of co-instructor to proctor/mentor so that by the time a student graduates, he is prepared (trained and experienced) to assume the individual responsibility required for success at the collegiate level.
My spouse and I both work full time outside our home. Would Lighthouse work for us?
One of the most important ingredients in the success of the UMS® is an available parent who can assist and properly work with the student. For a family in which both parents work outside the home on a full-time basis, a more traditional 35-40 hours/week school is probably a better choice.
Can students transfer into Lighthouse after being in other schools?
Yes, students who transfer will be subject to meeting with the Academic Dean and/or the school Administrator.
I have children in several different grade levels. How much time will each need to spend doing schoolwork on their days at home?
A rule of thumb at university-model schools is that for every hour spent in the classroom, the student will need to spend an additional hour on that subject in the “satellite classroom” at home. This rule, of course, varies according to the need. If a student is academically strong in a particular area, perhaps less time will be needed. If a student is weak in a subject or the subject is particularly challenging, then more time will be needed. Parents need to be alert to each of their children’s individual needs and lead them accordingly in the structuring of their time.
Since parents are team teaching with the teachers at school, how does communication take place between the two?
Communication between teachers and parents plays a large role in a UMS®, and there are several ways that clear communication can take place. First, each course is described, along with its prerequisite and parent role, in the school catalog. The parent role is defined for each course so that parents understand the required level of assistance for their children. Vitally important are the printed weekly assignment sheets that are prepared by the teacher to be taken home and reviewed by the parent with the student. Instructions to parents are included as part of these assignment sheets as are long-term study projects that are forthcoming. Parents are also invited to communicate any of their questions back to the teacher as needed.
Will Lighthouse offer foreign languages? Why?
Yes, Lighthouse students will be encouraged to take both Spanish and/or Latin. The ability to speak Spanish is invaluable. It is a tool not only for daily living but also for ministry and witness. The study of a foreign language at an early age enhances brain development and improves one’s ability to correctly pronounce the foreign language. The study of both Latin and Spanish also tends to expand students’ vocabularies through an understanding of Latin root words, suffixes and prefixes and it also enhances their grammar skills as they begin to understand parts of speech and linguistic patterns. In addition, contrary to popular belief, the study of a foreign language, including Latin, guards against arrogance. In his studies, a child begins to recognize that his world, his language, his vocabulary and his way of expressing himself are only one way of living and thinking in a big, complicated world. Finally, the very process of learning a foreign language requires mental gymnastics that strengthen the mind.
Is there a dress code?
Lighthouse Preparatory Academy’s dress code is intended to encourage modesty and decency and to
minimize the use of clothing as a significant means of establishing identity or social status. LPA staff may
determine the appropriateness of a student’s clothing or hairstyle and may request that any student
who is not dressed appropriately follow the steps listed under dress code violations. The administrator
may grant exceptions to the dress code if desired for special dress days.

Students should adhere to LPA’s school dress code while on campus or in the classroom during the
school day. When off campus for any event, students should be dressed in appropriate attire that
displays the spirit of the dress code. Students should seek to dress in a modest Christian manner that
represents the school well.


  • Girls may wear appropriate jeans, slacks, shorts, skirts, and capris with any approved Lighthouse
    logo wear for shirts.
  • Boys may wear appropriate jeans, slacks, or shorts with any approved Lighthouse logo wear for
  • The hem of skirts or shorts may be no higher than approximately two inches above the knee.
    No sweat pants, gym shorts, or other sports pants are permitted, even on non-specific dress
    down days.
  • All clothes must be neat and clean at the beginning of the day, and may not be torn, have holes,
    have fringed edges, or any other unusual features which call undue attention to the student.
    Clothing should not be excessively tight or form-fitting OR excessively loose or immodest.
  • Hair must be kept groomed and clean and may not include bizarre coloring or styles (e.g., hair
    spiking, bleaching, etc.). Boys’ hair may not go below the eyebrow nor include “tails.” Boys may not
    wear earrings or other pierced jewelry. Girls may wear only two earrings per ear; no other pierced
    jewelry is allowed.
  • Tattoos are strongly discouraged; however, in the event a student has a pre-existing tattoo, it
    must be covered at all times.
  • Coats and jackets must be neat in appearance and in keeping with the spirit of the dress code.
    No hats may be worn in the school.

Violations to the dress code will be treated as follows:

  1. The first violation will result in warning to the student and either an email sent home or a call made
    by the student reminding the parent about step two and three.
  2. The second violation will require the student have appropriate clothing brought from home, and a
    reminder about step three.
  3. The third violation, and any violation after that, will require the student have appropriate clothing
    brought from home, and a fee of $15 to be paid the next school day.
When will we apply for acceptance to Lighthouse?
Applications will be accepted through the first week of school, provided that space is available. Enrollment is made on a semester basis. Students may continue to be admitted throughout the year. Enrollment, however, can only be made at the beginning of each semester. For more information, please see Admissions.
Is your school governed by a church?
No, a board of men and women from this community govern the school.
Is your school a non-profit organization?
Yes, Lighthouse is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation formed in the state of Missouri and governed by a board of trustees. Charitable contributions to the school are tax deductible.
Will this type of schooling fulfill state requirements?
Yes, it will parallel requirements in the core subjects, and should exceed the requirements for grade levels. We are seeking accreditation through the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS), and /or other accreditation organizations in the future.
Are colleges accepting students from UMS®? What makes them attractive to college over other students?
Students from the original UMS® in Arlington, Texas, which has been in operation since 1993, have had no difficulty in gaining entrance to colleges and universities nationwide. In fact, the majority of graduates have been awarded scholarships for academic achievement, student leadership, and athletic or artistic ability. UMS® stay informed on the current and projected entrance requirements of the major four-year universities. This allows school officials to be sure that the course offerings are meeting or exceeding college standards. In addition, UMS®students are attractive to colleges because of their strong work ethic, successful study habits, leadership skills, and character as demonstrated through various student activities – academic, athletic, artistic, and governmental.
How are UMS® students doing on college entrance tests?
Despite admission policies aimed at average students, the UMS® students score much higher on college entrance tests than the average scores nationwide.